Pretty Letterpress Patterns

Hello, world!

Hi! My name is Aijaz. I love playing Letterpress. Many years ago, when I showed my daughter this game, she mentioned that she liked it when games ended in pleasing patterns. So then I started to try to win (or lose) games with a symmetric pattern, if possible.

This site documents some of the symmetric patterns that I have ended up with. I’ve also included a few interesting games, like the one with the most amount of words, or games that are notable for other reasons.

I have 120 games so far. I started this blog with six and will add a new one three times a week. If you would like to submit one of your own games for inclusion in this list, please send me the "Replay Game" URL. You can email it to aijaz+lpsymmetry 'at' or to @_aijaz_ on Twitter.

If you’d like to know more about me, visit my blog.

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© 2019 Aijaz Ansari
Letterpress Symmetry by Aijaz Ansari is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
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